Volkswagen Bug Ad October 1964


Volkswagen Bug Ad from October 30, 1964 Life magazine & October 24, 1964 Saturday Evening Post & November 1964 Esquire.

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Volkswagen Bug Ad October 1964VW Bug – Black and white 10″ x 13″ has a lonely photo of a parked VW Bug against a clean white background. The ad headline introduces “Presenting America’s slowest fastback” and the text begins by saying that “there are some new cars around with very streamlined roofs”. It assures us that “they are not Volkswagen and describes the differences in a Volkswagen and the other cars. It talks about the low lack of speed that a Volkswagen possesses which allows it to “cruise right past gas stations, repair shops and tire stores.” It reasons that “It won’t have anything to do with water” so they “saw no reason to name it after a fish.”

Source:  October 30, 1964 Life magazine & October 24, 1964 Saturday Evening Post & November 1964 Esquire.