Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1961


Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad from April 14, 1961 Life magazine.

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Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1961Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that talks about what this refrigerator can do. It is said that the “Exclusive Frigidaire Frost Forbidder stops frost before it can form”. The ad picture shows a pink refrigerator sitting in a hand print that has been placed in a bed of ice. The ad says that you can “End defrosting drudgery forever!” and claims that “Hidden away in every Frigidaire Frost-Proof Refrigerator-Freezer is the exclusive Frost Forbidder unit”. They claim that you can own a Frigidaire Frost Forbidder Refrigerator for as little as $4.80 per week. These units have the Ice Ejector and they claim that the Frost Forbidder gives more room in your freezer, enough for 21 more packages of frozen foods. In addition they feel that, with the increased space by intelligent usage, you can fit another grocery bag worth of food into your Frigidaire.

Source:  April 14, 1961 Life magazine.