Ski Magazine 1977 November


Ski Magazine 1977 November

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Contents:  Where To Go – Getaway Rocky Gateway (Looking for a Denver alternative? Try the Pike’s Peak Corridor, and get to the skiing fast); Loose ‘n’ Happy In Montana (Uncluttered, friendly, a gather of contrasts and other times. Montana’s ski frontier is heading for big time); Look, Out On The Plains…It’s Superlodge! (How does Wisconsin’s Tom Wise justify a $6 million ski lodge in the middle of nowhere? Says the ebullient hustler, “We had to be there first”) Ski Better – Ski My Way And Never Get Tired (Want to ski more in a day, and ski better when you’re at it? The triple Olympic gold medal winner shows how); Unscrambling Ski-Teaching’s ABC’s (Confused over all those weird ski-lesson letter labels? Here’s how to sort them out); Tune Into Your Gear: II (Your boots are your ski system’s intimate connection. Know what you own, learn to ski them properly and you’ll ski like never before) Buy Better – The New Skis: III (Just as important as choosing the right model is pricing the right pair. Here’s how with in-depth reports on 10 new skis and specifications on 22 more); The New Boots: III (Understanding boot liners and how to determine the type that’s best for you. With a specifications chart showing how 33 top boots compare); Fashions With Flash (Light up the slopes with these super-functional new ski clothes. They look and fit as good as they feel) Special Features – The Insurance Mess: What It’s Costing You (Skyrocketing liablity costs make soon make skiing inaccessible for many. What you can do); Portfolio (The third of a series of great ski photography by the world’s top ski photographers); Great Moments In Skiing (Dope is King was the rallying cry in the Lost Sierra as California’s 1850’s gold schuss – long boards, big purses, and all – got going. An exclusive fold-out painting by artist Sherry Wolf) Departments – Speak-Out; Doug Pfeiffer’s Ski Clinic; The Way It Was; Letter From Sun Valley; Reader Service; Ski Life; Ski People; New Ways To Learn; Ski Discovery; The Winter Driver; Ski Cross-Country; Ski Week; We Tried It; Ski Books; Letter From Austria; Classified

Issue:  November 1977

Condition:  Very Good