Modern Photography Magazine 1978 October


Modern Photography Magazine 1978 October

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Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Currents: American Photographer Today (Robert Frank’s iconoclastic view of America in the ’50s reverberates in today’s photography); Editor’s Pix: Pro And Nix (Our staff shows its true colors photographically and critically); New Talent (Ron Steinberg’s spare, abstract studies of light and shade serve as “metaphors for feelings”) News Stories – What’s What (Reviewing the Aries photo test, previewing Photokina picture part, Stieglitz’s favorites on view, a camera for the wrist, and more); More News For ’79 (Egad! More mouthwatering new equipment appearing at Photokina, the world’s largest photo exposition) Technical Features – Break Into Books (Eager to see your pictures in print but wary of entering the publishing rat race? Why not publish yourself?); Too Hot To Handle; Can You Really Push Film? (You can get acceptable prints with Tri-X at E.I. 1600, but have you actually increased its speed?); How To (Vacuum your camera, use film and chemicals at half-price, rig up a footswitch for your darkroom, and more); How Sharp Can You Get? (Can a “normal” lens on a modern 35mm camera deliver the mythical figure of 100 lines per mm? Yep, but it sure is a pain in the pentaprism); SLR Directory (1978 Comparison charts reveal all about the latest models in 3 formats); Modern Tests (A monthly appraisal of equipment) Movies – Moviemaking (Infallible method of shooting slides into movie film for professional effects, plus Sony’s new portable video system) Departments – Seeing Pictures (This year’s festival in France showed that not everyone takes photography as seriously as we do); Letters To The Editor; Color In Your Darkroom (Is the dichronic syndrome creeping in your darkroom?); Techniques Tomorrow (Resolving the resolving power of a “perfect” lens); Instant Pictures (Instant rewards stem from instant acts from the traveling); Phototronics (Can you achieve multi-strobe lighting ratios and have autoflash convenience at the same time?); View From Kramer (Are those sophisticated Minolta spot meters all the’re stacked up to be?); Courses; The Camera Collector (Zeiss scores again with another magnificent (and collectable) marketing disaster); Contests; Quick Notes (New items worth a look); Books In Review (The latest how-to picture and reference works); Ask For It; Index To Advertisers

Issue:  October 1978

Condition:  Very Good