Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1930


Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad from March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1930Black and white 7 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ ad for the fact that their refrigerators now come with a Hydrator. This, it is carefully explained, is a “moist air compartment” that “gives lettuce and celery that ‘fresh from the garden taste”. The picture indicates that it is a drawer that had a lid on it to help achieve this amazing storage feat. The ad also mentions that these refrigerators came equipped with Cold Control that permitted the extra power that Frigidaire generated to be “used for faster freezing of ice and deserts”. It also claimed that these units were made from “rust-proof Porcelain-on-steel inside and out”.

Source:  March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.