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Popular Photography Magazine 1979 December


Popular Photography Magazine 1979 December


Contents:  Photography Today – Photojournalism At The Edge Of The ’80s (In a TV age, still pictures endure and the profession is booming); Creating Fantastic Color From Black-And-White (Kinetic color graphics from ordinary negatives); Photographers On Seeing: Norman Lerner (For this professional it begins at dawn and continues into the color darkroom); Blessed Event (Commercial photographer Paul Hyman turns amateur to record life with a family of Irish Setters); The Instant Still Life (Images from a new book and traveling exhibit express the unique esthetics of Polacolor); A Lesson In Portalture From A Master (How Arnold Newman shoots, edits, and prints his images) Equipment And Materials – First Look: Pentax ME Supra (This tiny auto SLR has novel “pushbutton” shutter-speed selection); Rodinal: The 90-Year-Old Developer – It’s Still A Soup For All Seasons (And it beats D-76 for image sharpness); Lab Report: Nikon EM; First Look: Canon’s Newest: The AF35M (Automatic compact camera features infrared autofocus) Movies – Bring Your Stills To Life (If there’s a tale in them, Super 8 can tell it most elequently) Departments – Letters To The Editor; Movie Methods (Finding a film subject at home); Proof Sheet (Larry Clark of Tulsa fame finds new project); Offbeat (How you and others read your photographs); Gadgeteria (Getting ready for winter shooting); Traveler’s Camera (Columbia has many climates, moods); Photo-Electronics (Build a device for stop-action pictures); Shows We’ve Seen; Tools & Techniques (A grab bag of ingenious items); Pop Photo Sweepstakes; Viewpoint (Tintypes are still a collector’s bargain); I Want To Buy…; Time Exposure (Sneakiest camera known to man); Color Darkroom (Kodak’s new color-reversal chemicals); Shoptalk (There’s more to imaging than meets the eye); Aids To Better Photography; Just Out; Index Of Advertisers

Issue:  December 1979

Condition:  Very Good