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Modern Photography Magazine 1964 February


Modern Photography Magazine 1964 February


Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Eliot Porter (Brilliant color landscapes); Think Outside-In For Candid Portraits (Peter Basch shows how to produce dramatic pictures); Discovery (Geog Bergmann); Feininger (Human faces make images); Edward Steighen Way Out (The old master made improvisations long ago); Monthly Contest (Don’t let ’em get away) Technical Articles – Too Hot To Handle (MODERN answers probing technical questions from its readers); They Said It Couldn’t Be Done…And It Wasn’t (Voigtlander’s great cameras that were never produced); Your Darkroom: What To Get, Where To Put It; The Truth About Color Print Labs (What should you expect when you have color prints made?); How Good Are The Home Study Schools? (MODERN analyzes faculties, courses and lets you compare); MODERN Tests (An exclusive monthly appraisal of equipment) News Articles – Ansel Adams; Giant West Coast Exhibit; Inside Russia – Latest In Guided Camera Tours Movies – Today’s 8mm Cartridges Are Versatile – Tomorrow’s May Be Instamatic; Movie Maker (What’s good and what’s bad at the Cannes film festival) Tape And Sound – Sound Advice (Final roundup of the 1963 N.Y. High Fidelity Show) Departments – Coffee Break; Letters To The Editor; Books In Review; Get The Picture (Publications to keep you informed); Techniques Tomorrow (Breaking the low-light limits in photography); Large Camera (Hints and tips on focusing and related camera adjustments); 35mm (How to get the most speed from your film); Keppler On The SLR (Automatic or presser, which is the best buy); Color Workshop (Planned color combinations for effective shots); The Well Traveled Camera (A skiing vacation means great picture taking opportunities); Behind The Scenes; Pictures In A Moment (A report on some of the problems with Polaroid’s pack film)

Issue:  February 1964

Condition:  Very Good