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Modern Photography Magazine 1960 July


Modern Photography Magazine 1960 July


Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Automatic Exposure? Not For Creative Photographers (Unusual lighting conditions call for calculated guesswork); 9 Exposures – 9 pictures (Y. Ernesr Satow proves that far more than one photo of one subject can be taken under varying light conditions if you know how to expose and develop properly); The Sure Way To Flash Exposure (Which technique is best for flash? Here’s how to get consistent results with the one you prefer) Technical Articles – Too Hot To Handle (MODERN answers probing technical questions from its readers); Automatic Exposure (Lawrence W. Eisener, an engineer with General Electric, explains how automatic exposure-setting cameras work); MODERN‘s 1960 Directory Of Exposure Meters; Color Latitude (Which color films have the greatest latitude? Technician Edward Meyers tested nine, found radical differences); MODERN Tests (An exclusive monthly appraisal of equipment) News – Dr. Land Demonstrates an amazing Polaroid Color Process (A new era for color films in the making); Swing To New ASA Speeds Led By Eastman Kodak (The proposed changes are now being put into practice); Capital Capital Show (The White House Conference on Children and Youth holds an exhibit of child photographs) Movies – Fiction Blends With Reality In A Startling Movie (The Savage Eye, four years in the making, tells its entire story through the documentary approach); 5 Movie Exposure Problems (How an accessory exposure meter can help your electric eye movie camera); The Movie Maker Departments – Coffee Break; Letters To The Editor; Behind The Scenes; What’s Ahead; 35mm; Salon Calendar; New Products; The Well Traveled Camera; Ultraminiature; The Camera Clubs; Modern Color; The Large Camera; Pictures In A Minute; New Photo Books; Monthly Contest

Issue:  July 1960

Condition:  Very Good