Shooting Times Magazine 1985 November


Shooting Times Magazine 1985 November

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Contents:  Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); At NRA Bianchi Shoot – Top Guns, Loads & Gear (Bill asked the top shooters what they used to walk away with the winnings); Holstering Your Handguns…A Nylon Revolution (These rugged, durable, inexpensive rigs have turned the industry upside down); From RCBS: The New 4X4 Press (Handloaders will certainly agree this new 4X4 press is loaded with advantages); Ruger’s New Bisley Model (Skeeter says Bill Ruger has done a tumbs-up job on this new handgun); NEW! USAC’s Plastic-Case System & Interarms’ Rossi Revolvers (What better way to test new plastic-case ammo than in new Rossi revolvers); The Top 10 Cartridges For Big Game (Make sure you’re not using a cartridge that’s less than the best for big game); Bill Jordan…Point Blank (Our Shooting Editor tackles topics ranging from handguns and rifles to hunting); Short-Barreled Shotguns For Hunting (As far as ST‘s avid shotgunner is concerned, long barrels are no longer needed); The .41 & .44 Magnums…A Blooming Market For Big-Bore Handgunners (With today’s guns and loads, magnum shooters have never had it so good); How To Tune Your “Shooting” Luger (With a few gunsmithing tips, your old Luger can live up to its accuracy potential) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST readers speak out); Hipshots; Precision Reloading; Firing Point; For Your Information; Shopper (New product review); Questions & Answers; Gunsmith; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features); Guns & Gear)

Issue:  November 1985

Condition:  Very Good