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Popular Mechanics Magazine 1995 October


Popular Mechanics Magazine 1995 October


Contents:  Special Features – Prewinter Car Care (Special 48-page section on family car maintenance gives engine tuning tips, tells how to choose tires for the cold-weather months and much more); Guide To Stoves And Space Heaters (What’s new in stoves plus electric and fuel heaters to put the right amount of heat where you need it); Owners Report: Mazda RX-7 (They’re turning cartwheels over the rotary engine’s performance. Plus – preview of the ’81 models); Atomic Clocks (How time is split into trillionths of seconds – and why we depend on it); Detroit’s ’81 Models (The new cars in color, plus PM‘s rundown of what the Saturday Mechanic will find under the hood) Automobiles And Bikes – Detroit Listening Post; Imports And Motorsports; Car Clinic; The PM Garage; Can The Rotary Engine Survive The ’80s?; PM Owners Report: Mazda RX-7; Detroit ’81: Driving The GM Models; Driving The Ford, Mercury And Lincoln Models; Driving The Dodge, Chrysler And Plymouth Models; Driving The New AMC Models; Driving Mazda’s New FWD GLC; Fuel Cells Hit The Road; Coal: A Hot Controversy Home And Yard – Appliance Clinic; Don’t Get Locked Out; Homeowners Clinic; How To Keep The Home Fires Burning…Safely; Space Heaters: How To Choose From 31 Types; How To Saw Firewood On The Double; Kitchen Remodeling Science And Engineering – Science Worldwide; The Clock That Splits Seconds – Into Trillionths; Fuel From Sawdust; Wind Reaper; The Electric Pipeline; Droplet Power; Nuclear Brain Scanner; Wrist Radio-Watch Boating And Outdoors – All Outdoors; A Camping Expert Fits Out His RV Every Month – Letters; Notes From The Editor; PM Briefs; Tech Front Lines Fall Car Care Guide – Cover; Saturday Mechanic Looks Under The Hoods Of The GM Models; As Push Comes To Shove, The World Picks Front-Wheel Drive; Saturday Mechanic: AMC; Saturday Mechanic: Ford; Saturday Mechanic: Chrysler; Get Ready To Face The Challenge; Choose The Best Tires For Winter; Assemble PM‘s Winter Emergency Driving Kit; How To Repair Rust Damage Service Tips – Section 1: Cooling System; Section 2: Engine; Section 3; Battery; Section 4: Prewinter Lubrication; Section 5: Safety Checkup Shop And Crafts – Hints From Readers; Two Great “Tools” You Can Build; Keep On Pedaling, Even In Snow; PM Workbench; New Now For Home And Shop; Workshop Minicourse; 8 Great Ideas For Woodcutting; Chair For Our Roll-Top Desk Electronics, Radio And TV – New Computer Adventure Games; PM Electronics Monitor; Pocket-Size Computers; Zap! You’re Checkmated; New Scanners Deliver Action-Packed Listening Aviation – Now: True Solar Planes Photography – Photo Hints

Issue:  October 1995

Condition:  Very Good