Popular Mechanics Magazine 1978 February


Popular Mechanics Magazine 1978 February

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Contents:  Special Features – Two Authentic Lincoln Heirlooms You Can Copy (Reproduce the shaving and vanity mirrors used in the President’s home at Springfield, Ill); PM Owners Report: Ford Fiesta (After a half-million miles, owners say it’s great); Flywheels: Super Push For Motors (An old device is under test to store energy, boost mileage in cars, trains and buses); 20 Great Boats, Tops For ’78 (For cruisers, campers, fishermen and skiers, there’s plenty that’s new for the season afloat); 7 Other Sites For The Panama Canal (Alternate routes proposed as the venerable “Big Ditch” nears its peak of 28,600 ships annually); 7 Exciting Projects (Make 5-cent chisels, radial saw bench and handsome hang-ups for sports gear) Automobiles And Bikes – PM Garage; Imports And Motorsports; Detroit Listening Post; Car Clinic; How To Bike By The Numbers; Last Time Around For The Big Stockers; PM Owners Report: Ford Fiesta; Flywheels: New Boost For Engine Power; Saturday Mechanic: What You Should Know About Underhood Cables, Wiring; PM Owners Report: Mazda GLC Home And Yard – Appliance Clinic; Homeowners Clinic; Build This Shock Detector For Your Home And Car; Five Great Hang-Ups For Sports Gear; Backward Air conditioners Take A Front Seat; Builders Show How Technology Can Serve Energy; Install An Interference-Free Garage-Door Opener Science And Engineering – Science Worldwide; Panama Canal – New Look At An Old Ditch; Can You Name These “What’s-it’s”?; Next: Power Company Robots That Turn Your Appliances On Or Off Photography – Photo Hints Boating And Outdoors – All Outdoors; Gadgets To Outguess Fish Boating ’78 Special Section – PM Test: Little New Diesel For Little Boats; Lifesaving Switch: Skis Become A Sled; PM‘s Pick: 20 Boats That Are Tops For ’78; New Mini-Outboards: Good – But How Good?; New Gadgets To Go To School Shop And Crafts – Carve These Sea Gulls In Flight; Sleeve Chuck Permits Filing On Unimat Lathe; Classic Disc Puzzle; Quick Way To Find Dowel Centers; Wood-Burn A Bracelet Design; Hints From Readers; PM Workbench; Make This Boring-Set For Your Lathe; PM Exclusive: Two Authentic Lincoln Reproductions; What This Country Needs: A Good 5-Cent Chisel; Build This Radial-Saw Bench And Get Storage Top; Workshop Mini-Course: Finishing With Varnish Every Month – Letters; It’s New Now

Issue:  February 1978

Condition:  Very Good