Frigidaire Water Cooler Ad 1937


Frigidaire Water Cooler Ad from June 21, 1937 Life magazine.

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Frigidaire Water Cooler Ad 1937Black and white 9 1/4″ x 13″ ad that was for the Frigidaire Water Cooler that was to be used either in the home or in the office. Pictured in this ad is a scene taken in the office where a man is sitting at his desk and he has another man sitting across the desk from him and he is offering him a small cup of water. The ad claims that “15 cents a Day Buys It…as little as 2 cents a Day Runs It! New Frigidaire Water Cooler with the Meter-Miser. There is a smaller photo of one installed in a home kitchen where a mother is dispensing some into her daughter’s cup. Below this the ad says that you could buy “A remarkable New Cooler at the Lowest Price in History”. At the bottom of the ad it urges you to “Drink Frigidaire-Cooled Water for Better Health…Greater Efficiency”.

Source:  June 21, 1937 Life magazine.