Campbell’s Ad 1950 October


Campbell’s Ad from October 1950 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Campbell’s Ad 1950 OctoberFull color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that is for Campbell’s Tomato Soup. This ad starts off with the headline asking “How to get the most out of a can of Tomato Soup” and then shows three pictures, with descriptions, that give you ideas. The first picture shows a bowl of Campbell’s Tomato Soup at a setting in a dinner table where you can see large plates of meat and cottage cheese waiting. The description says that this is “A Dish for All Occasions” and, then says, “Naturally, you think of tomato soup as the most versatile of all soups. You build family lunches and suppers around it, for instance, you serve it when company comes; you let your children have it often – for school day lunches and early-to-bed suppers; preparing it with milk; you serve it to perk up convalescent appetites; you “lunch-alone” with it; you combine it with other soups”. The second description is entitled “Tomato-glorified Beef Stew” and says, “Do try this: try your favorite beef stew recipe, add 1 can of condensed tomato soup. That’s all”. The third suggestion is entitled “Tomato-enlivened Hamburgers” and, then says, that “Broiled hamburgers take on new interest when you do this: As you lift them brown and sizzling from the pan, pour over them a can of tomato soup (heated just as is)”. For the complete descriptions on each of these, plus the entire article from Anne Marshall, you will just have to buy this ad.

Source:  October 1950 Woman’s Home Companion.