Dodge Ad 1945


Dodge Ad from November 1945 Farm Journal.

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Dodge Ad 1945Dodge – Three color 7 1/2″ x 10 1/2″ ad that shouts out “This is the NEW Dodge. Everything but the Beauty”. The big picture in the ad shows a man sitting in a car with no body and you realize that this is what they are talking about. The headline for the ad says that “It is the finest car in Dodge history – fully tested and proved in performance and economy – for your complete protection”. There are six other smaller pictures here titled Engine, All-Fluid Drive, Riding, Driving, Braking and Economy. The first sentence after the headline says, and I am not making this up, “This is the straightest possible answer to the Nation’s urgent question – What’s Dodge going to do”.

Source:  November 1945 Farm Journal.