AC Spark Plugs Ad 1961 April


AC Spark Plugs Ad from April 7, 1961 Life magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad 1961 AprilThree color 10″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs. This ad wants you to “Count on AC Spark Plugs for high-flying action” and it has an AC spark plug blasting off, ignition coming from the ignitor and flames coming from all the way around where the spark plug wrench would go. The ad has an overhead shot of a gas station that shows an attendant working on the car of the family that is pulled up, he is talking to the lady who looks like she was driving as there is a man wearing a lab coat, standing in front of the car with a young boy, flying a kite that says “High-Flying Action!”. The ad tells us to “Put the zing of Spring into your car with new AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs! You’ll notice “high-flying” results, surer starts, quick pick-up, smooth cruising and gasoline savings. Change spark plugs regularly and always make that change for the best…reliable AC‘s! See your AC dealer and ask for your High-Flying ACtion kite”.

Source:  April 7, 1961 Life magazine.