Seiberling Tires Ad 1940


Seiberling Tires Ad from May 13, 1940 Life magazine.

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Seiberling Tires Ad 1940Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that introduces you to the Seiberling Safety Tire. In this ad there is a man wearing a three-piece suit and smoking a cigar who is asking a man who is preparing to change his tire, “What makes you think I NEED a safety tire?”. The tire mechanic, pausing as he is struggling with the tire, replies “Because the wheels on your present car are smaller than they were on your old car, Mr. Sloaker. Tires on modern cars revolve TWICE as fast as they did four years ago. You need a tire that can stand up under the greater heat produced”. This ad starts off saying that Seiberling presents the ONLY tire that EXPELS blowout producing heat. Built on 3 entirely NEW safety principles”. These three principles are 1. Patented shoulder vents pump out the internal friction-heat that causes blowouts. 2. A remarkable “saw-tooth” tread that “sticks out its claws” to pull you to a safe, quick stop, 3. Exclusive “Saf-flex Cord” protects you against stone bruises and carcass ruptures. As the ad says in the tire in the lower right-hand corner “Safer! Because It’s ‘Heat-Vented”.

Source:  May 13, 1940 Life magazine.