Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad 1965 May


Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad from May 14, 1965 Life magazine.

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Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad 1965 MayBlack and white 9 3/4″ x 13″ ad that is for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. This ad has a photo showing six different people standing outside of a building, there is a lady horse rider, a man in an underground suit, a farmer standing there with a pitch fork with his foot up on some milk jugs, a man holding a big, long shovel, a police officer and a lady that looks like she is going to redecorate something. The ad headline asks “How come 1 out of every 3 Pennsylvanians is insured by Metropolitan Life?”. The ad says that “In the state where thrifty Ben Franklin followed the adage, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” folks still keep a canny eye upon tomorrow. That’s one reason why so many Pennsylvanians rely on Metropolitan. They like the way we treat their money – and them. And so will you. For instance, a Metropolitan representative can show you how the same policy that protects your family can help build retirement funds for you, too. Ask your Metropolitan adviser for a Family Security Check-Up. Let him help you see your family’s financial security picture more clearly than ever before – and perhaps discover assets you didn’t even know you had. Wherever you live – Pennsylvania, California, Saskatchewan – his help is free. There’s no obligation…except to those you love.

Source:  May 14, 1965 Life magazine.