Studebaker Ad 1940


Studebaker Ad from May 20, 1940 Life magazine.

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Studebaker Ad 1940Studebaker Champion – Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that shows a 1940 Studebaker Champion Club Sedan. The car shown is a Red Two-Door parked in front of a big house where several well-dressed individuals are around the car while the two passengers sit inside. The ad headline claims that “You travel in style and revel in money-saving with this Studebaker Champion. Priced on a level with the 3 other large-selling lowest price cars”. The text then goes on to say that “Most smart things you buy may be expensive. But not this stunningly beautiful, distinctive Studebaker Champion. Here, at a lowest price, you gat a true-blood team mate of Studebaker’s famous Commander and President – the only lowest price car in the world styled inside as well as outside by that ace of designers, internationally famous Raymond Loewy. And to make you still prouder of your good judgement in picking a Studebaker Champion, you’re saving consistently on gasoline, oil, tires and mechanical upkeep – as well as original equipment – in this most talked-about lowest price car. Motorists who have owned other cars say this Studebaker Champion is the best riding, easiest handling car thay ever drove. It has officially beten all other largest selling, lowest-priced cars in gas economy”. There are three smaller pictures in this ad. The first one has a first line that says that “You relax at ease in a Champion. The second ad says that “You enjoy low repair cost and high re-sale value in a Champion. And the third one says that Champion Scores Sweeping Gas Economy Victory! Averages 29.19 miles per gallon officially”. The ad claims that the “Prices Begin At $660”.

Source:  May 20, 1940 Life magazine.