Hood Tires Ad 1940


Hood Tires Ad from May 20, 1940 Life magazine.

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Hood Tires Ad 1940Three color 5 1/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for Hood Speed Protected Tires. This ad shows a man in a red coat and hat preparing to change a lady’s tire and he tells her, “Now…you have real protection against SKIDS and BLOWOUTS”. It then says that “The Hood Red Man says ‘Let’s take a Hood Look”. He says that “Unlike ordinary tires – Hood gives you both nonskid safety and long, even wear. Those zigzag center ribs give you a safe nonskid grip, on wet, slippery roads. And the continuous outer ribs mean long wear and a smooth ride. Between tread and tire body is the famous Hood Speed Shield. It’s a double corded layer of special red rubber, to cushion the shocks and bruises that so often lead to dangerous blowouts. Adds to your riding comfort, too. And see how those new compact Hi-Density cords make room for more rubber insulation around each cord. The result is a cooler running tire – for longer life – and a more flexible tire, to absorb the bumps of rough roads”.

Source:  May 20, 1940 Life magazine.