Maytag Ad 1962


Maytag Ad From February 2, 1962 Life magazine.

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Maytag Ad 1962Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad that is for the Maytag Automatic Washing Machine. There are eight smiling ladies sitting there, holding a picture up of another one, and the ad headline says that they have “A Maytag for their classmate in the jungle”. The text says that “It looked as though Sister Philomena in Cochabamba, Bolivia, had thrown a curveball to her former high school classmates and friends in Mission Circle No. 32, Elyria, Ohio. When they wrote Sister asking what she needed, her answering letter suggested a washing machine. Here was the catch: The mission clearing near Cochabamba is surrounded by South American jungle. Electricity supply very uncertain. No hot water. And the nearest repairman in La Paz, a hundred miles of mountains away. The eight Elyria ladies asked themselves, ‘If I were in a jungle and had to pick out a washing machine, which make would it be?’ It happened that all eight had had personal experience with Maytags and they liked what they had discovered first-hand about Maytag dependability. So they turned their problem over to The Maytag Corporation. Sister Philomena now has a Maytag, wringer-type, powered by a gasoline engine. Mission Circle No. 32 is happy they chose a Maytag, for, as they told us, if repairs were ever needed, Sister Philomena in Cochabamba must make them herself. If you don’t live in a jungle, you can enjoy a Maytag Automatic with the same reputation for dependability as Sister Philomena’s and with all these advanced features: An Automatic Bleach Dispenser ends bleaching mistakes, a Lint-Filter Agitator eliminates lint problems, an Automatic Water Level Control saves money, a Safety-Lid stops action in seconds when opened, and a Zinc-coated Steel Cabinet protects against rust.

Source:  February 2, 1962 Life magazine.