Crosley Shelvador Refrigerator Ad March 1951


Crosley Shelvador Refrigerator Ad from March 1951 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Crosley Shelvador Refrigerator Ad March 1951Full color 9″ x 12″ ad for their Shelvador model of refrigerator. The ad has a picture of a couple in the bathrobes standing on front of their Crosley Model CAC-11 that the husband is holding the door open to. The lady is drinking a glass filled with cold milk and the husband is holding a sandwich in the hand that is not holding the refrigerator door. The ad headline claims “- and your Crosley defrosts itself while you sleep” and the ad text attempts to explain the automatic process. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  March 1951 Better Homes & Gardens.