Prudential Ad December 1967


Prudential Ad from April 21, 1967 Life magazine.

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Prudential Ad December 1967Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Prudential Insurance Company. This ad has a drawing showing a two-story house with a very, very big front lawn and the ad headline says that “You’ve worked hard to move your family up in the world. But, if you weren’t around, they might move in another direction. Down”. Powerful words that indicates that we should read further. Prudential understands how hard you’ve worked to give your family a better life. So hard, perhaps, you may have forgotten to protect it. In which case, if your family didn’t have you, their foundation might be pulled right out from under them. And their way of life that took you years to build up could take an awful tumble. Keeping A Secure Home Secure. Your children won’t have to grow up envying advantages they once took for granted. Not if you protect them with Prudential’s ‘continuing income’ insurance. Prudential’s ‘continuing income’ insurance guarantees your family a check ever month. Money for mortage or rent. Money for food and clothing. Money for the hundred and one things that are part of living. Something You Can Afford. You can provide for the future without giving up the better life you enjoy now. Let your Prudential man prove it. When it comes to taking the strain out of the future without straining your resources, Prudential understands”.

Source:  April 21, 1967 Life magazine.