Carnation Ad 1961 May


Carnation Ad from May 5, 1961 Life magazine.

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Carnation Ad 1961 MayThree color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Carnation Instant Dry Milk. This ad starts off with the claim that this is “The Delicious Diet Formula You Can Make At Home – And For Only 44 cents A Day”. And to make matters better, it “Takes Only 3 Ingredients! Satisfies Your Appetite!”. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it. And they say that “It’s Carnation Instant Dry Milk That Makes It Possible!”. The box in the center talks more about this by saying that “Here Are The 3 Ingredients”. It shows Carnation Instant Nonfat Dry Milk, Fresh Whole Milk and a Multi-Vitamin Mineral Pill. The ad then says that “Here’s How You Can Make The Carnation Weight Reduction Formula. For one Day’s Supply. 1. Into a container larger than one quart, stir together 1 1/2 Cups Carnation Instant Nonfat Dry Milk (in dry form), 1 quart fresh whole milk. 2. Take one multi-vitamin mineral pill daily. (Be sure this contains both multi-vitamins and multi-minerals.) Your doctor will recommend a brand. For One Meal Mix a generous 1/3 cup Carnation Instant with one cup of whole milk. Mixes instantly!”.

Source:  May 5, 1961 Life magazine.