Mobil Oil Ad 1938


Mobil Oil Ad from April 11, 1938 Life magazine.

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Mobil Oil Ad 1938Black and white 5″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Mobilgrease from Mobil Lubrication. This ad has the headline stating that “DISCOVERED By 2,500,000 More This Year. MOBILGREASE Won’t Squeeze Out Or Wash Out” that is surrounding a picture of a young woman who is turning to look at the camera, smiling sweetly, with a sponge in one hand and a squeegee in the other, as the ad has her saying that Mobilgrease made our car ride like new”. The ad then tells us that “More and more motorists are buying Mobilgrease because they find it’s absolutely the best grease for keeping their cars quiet, easy-riding! It won’t wash out or squeeze out. It’s on the job every minute – stopping squeaks, guarding against wear! Try Mobilgrease today – at your Mobiloil dealers”. At the bottom of this ad, there is a picture of a man, staring upwards, saying that “If millions use it…I’m convinced Mobilgrease is best for my car, too”.

Source:  April 11, 1938 Life magazine.