Bowes Tire Repair System Ad 1942


Bridgestone Tires Ad from August 10, 1942 Life magazine.

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Bowes Tire Repair System Ad 1942Three color 5 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Bowes Seal Fast Tire Repair System. This ad has Bob Bowes, the President and the Founder of this company, asking the question “How long will Your Tires last? It’s really up to you”. He makes the claim that you could Add 25% to 50% to your tire mileage – HERE’S HOW Don’t neglect or misuse your tires. Watch out for underinflation…check air pressure frequently. Don’t bump or park too close to curbs. Slow down! High speeds burn up your rubber. Avoid ‘jack rabbit starts’ and quick stops. Get your wheels aligned and your brakes adjusted to insure even tread-wear. Shift tires occasionally…front to rear…left to right. And be sure to have your tirres taken off the rims for throrough inspection, inside and out regularly”. Other items included in this ad were that “Slip-Shod Tire Repairs Are NO GOOD Now”“Look For This Sign” and that Bowes Methods Add Extra Life…Extra Miles To Your Tires”.

Source:  August 10, 1942 Life magazine.