Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 July


Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 July

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Contents:  Capacitor Know-How Simplifies Electronic Circuits (Don’t let capacitors bug your projects) Electronic Construction Projects – Swimming Pool Splash Alarm (The sentry that never sleeps); $2 Intrusion Alarm; Inexpensive Integrated Solid-State Stereo Record Player; Musette Color Organ (Music to watch by – in color, too); Electric Dice Game; Sure-Shot Q5-ER Hookup; Two-Wire, Three-Way switching Circuit Communications – How To Get The Most Our Of Your Key And Bug (Accuracy, not speed, is the keynote); Riding The TV DX Trail; On The Citizens Band: Wrist Radio And Communications; Short-Wave Listening: Notes From Short-Wave Editor’s Desk; English-Language Broadcasts To North America; Amateur Radio: Installing Antennas In Restricted Spacce; BC-454 Goes Maritime; Short-Wave Monitor Certificate Application Electonic Features And New Developments – Just When I Forgot My (Soldering) Gun; The Connubially-Oriented Computer Of Otto Tronix (Can a shy electronics wizard find a mate?); Is Plasmonics For The Birds? (Not really, it lets you listen in on fish talk); Zero-Beating The News; Extension Speakers Are No Problem; German TV Pioneer; Infringers Beware!; TV Trouble Quiz; Solid State Departments – Letters From Our Readers; Tips & Techniques; Reader Service Page; New Products; Electronics Library; New Literature; Ham Hobby Clearinghouse; Operation Assist

Issue:  July 1966

Condition:  Very Good