Popular Electronics Magazine 1963 December


Popular Electronics Magazine 1963 December

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Contents:  How We’re Using “Rock Bottom” Radio (Far down in the radio spectrum – from 3 to 60 kc – exciting space age developments are taking place, read about the new long-wave global radio stations) Electronic Construction Projects – Wipe Out Vibrator Hash; Reflectoflex Speaker Enclosures; Solar “Clock”; Telephone Beeper; VHF ADVENTURER (Part 3); “Loud Hailer” For The Telephone; Re “Operation PICKUP” Amateur, CB And SWL – FCC Report; On The Citizens Band; Across The Ham Bands: Operating Another Ham’s Station; Short-Wave Broadcast Predictions; Short-Wave Report: Welcome To The SWL Newcomer; English-Language Newscasts To North America; Short-Wave Monitor Certificate Application; Satellites On The Air Electronic Features And New Developments – Breakthroughs; San Francisco’s PALS Starts Them Young; Hi-Fi Lab Check: EICO ST-97 FM Stereo Tuner; Greek Alphabet Quiz; Transistor Topics; Hobnobbing With Harbaugh: School Days – School Days; Joking And Jeopardy (A Carl and Jerry Adventure) Departments – Tips And Techniques; Operation Assist; Letters From Our Readers; Out Of Tune; POP’tronics Bookshelf; New Products; Index To Volume 19 (July-December, 1963)

Issue:  December 1963

Condition:  Very Good