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Science & Mechanics Magazine 1943 Summer


Science & Mechanics Magazine 1943 Summer


Contents:  “Bloodhounds Of The Air”; Floating Islands Of Steel; Subterranean Factory; “Fido? He’s In The Army Now”; Handling 4,000 Freight Cars; Star Gazing Teaches Navigators; “Stop” And “Go” Air Traffic Control; Silk Stockings Go Into Battle; Operating An Engine Lathe Departments – Readers’ Round Table (Their views, ideas, questions and answers); Books To Help You Forge Ahead (Reviews to guide you in selecting new books); What’s New In Materials, Processes And Products (The newest thing in science and industry); Did You Know That – (Interesting facts about science today); How To Make It – Building A Water Wheel; Build Your Own Circular Saw; Cutouts For Lawn And Garden; Raising Rabbits For Meat; Dehydrator For Victory Gardens; Making Jewelry The Modern Way; “Skimboard” – Power Driven Aquaplane; How To Build A Diving Raft; Oak Leaf Wall Shelf; Maske Her A Maple Floor Cabinet; Carving “Loco Lem” – The Cowboy; How To Build A Moto-Scooter; One-Evening Projects; Shop Kinks; Hints For Handy Man Photography – Homemade Darkroom Appliances Electricity – Servicing And Rebuilding Motors Electronics – The A-B-C’s Of Electronics Patents And Inventions – Does My Boss Own My Invention? New Products And Scientific Facts – “Seasickness Machine” Tests Navy Equipment; Plane Propellers Made In Indiana; Good-Bye To Glare In Aluminum Welding; Detecting Trouble In War Materials; “Machine Gunners” Inspect Binoculars; She Knows Her Curves – Isocandle And Isolux; This Slide Rule Deserves A Blue Ribbon; Talks Back To Actors And Radio Folks; Fiber Industrial Brush Speeds War Production; Electronic Devices Duplicate Human Senses; “Man Overboard” Need Not Spell Danger; Houseflies Sound Like Stampeding Elephants; Do You Eat Lefthand Or Righthand Sugar?

Issue:  Summer 1943

Condition:  Very Good