Mother Earth News Magazine 1996 October – November


Mother Earth News Magazine 1996 October – November

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Contents:  Starting A Home Orchard – Big Money From Small Orchards (Bill Cahill of Long Island has discovered the magic formula for making a living on just a few acres. His dwarf trees produce more apples than he can pick, which brings a premium in the local market); Rediscovering The Heirloom Southern Apple (One of the most misguided notions in gardening is that apples are a northern fruit. Tim Hensley has made a life of rediscovering southern heirloom varieties and attests “Try an Oregon Delicious after sampling a Virginia Beauty and you’ll think you’re eating sawdust.”) Country Skills – Make An Indestructible Cider Press (You can buy press kits, you can assemble store-bought models, but you have to start from scratch to build the kind of old-fashioned cider press that lasts a lifetime. MOTHER shows you how); Mother’s Woodshop (Build a firewood sawbuck that makes cutting fuel wood faster and easier, as well as a rolling storage box that will keep the living room floor sawdust free) Garden & Yard – They Garden Best Who Garden Least: Fall Chores (Now that the crops are in, it’s time to clean, rake, mulch, and set cover crops for the winter. Well…maybe not. In this season’s installment of “The Lazy Gardener,” Mort Mather cuts through the false folklore of late seson chores and makes a compelling case for doing…nothing) Energy & Environment – The Last Hunters (A proposal to open the Artic Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration has politicized two Native American tribes who reside in the protected federal reserve. Oddly enough, the two tribes are on opposite sides of the political battle); Wood Stove Update (The EPA, reeling from a lawsuit brought by the American Lung Association, is under a court order to review current regulation of particulates. But a new generation of high-tech wood stoves is already in compliance with proposed stringent particulate regulations. It’s not the EPA that is the enemy of the wood stove, it’s the gas industry) Mother’s Natural Kitchen – Harvest Fruit Favorites (There’s something about wiping an apple on your flannel shirt on the way home from the orchard and eating it whole. But there’s only one way to eat an apple. Here’s how Anne Vassal’s family cooks with apples, pears, and cranberries without getting stuck in the dessert rut) Regular Columns – Dear MOTHER (How to have free-range organic meat in your freezer all year); News From MOTHER (Matt looks through the buzz of campaign rhetoric and tallies the environmental scorecard for Bill Clinton and Bob Dole); Country Lore (Deter ants, relieve itchy skin, debug vegetables, and 61 other uses for vinegar); Bits & Pieces (The Liberty elm tree, resistant to Dutch elm disease, coming to your town soon); MOTHER‘s Mechanic (Jon Gail Blair lends us 35 years of experience as a mechanic); Home Remedies (How to use willow bark for medicine and emergency food, by wilderness guide Christopher Nyerges); Seasonal Almanac (Why the biggest snowstorms can come in November); Country Vet (Natural, preventative medicine for animals); Seed Swap (Berries, peppermint, mixed cut flowers, fennel – send and receive); Last Laugh (Edward Stern tells how true love gave him the courage to kill)

Issue:  October – November 1996

Condition:  Very Good