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Mother Earth News Magazine 1995 April – May


Mother Earth News Magazine 1995 April – May


Contents:  Mother’s Natural Kitchen – Comfort Foods (Nothing like a good blast of late season, rainy cold to make you reach for the easy, quick, and not-very-good-for-you foods. Anne Vassal has cooked up five recipes that will warm you up without making you nod off) Regular Columns – News From MOTHER (The rights to a home); Dear MOTHER (Which is better for your home, a conventional or thermal-mass woodstove? One reader writes us of his experiences with both); Country Lore (Bubble wrap might just be the solution to your insulation problem and a simple way to keep outdoor pipes from freezing); Bits & Pieces (The soda apple weed, though it sounds innocent enough, has literally covered 400,000 acres in Florida and it isn’t stopping there. Plus, sheep employed as firefighters in California…really!); Seasonal Almanac (Once a plentiful and welcome messenger of spring, bluebird populations dropped by 90% until efforts were recently begun to save it); Herbs And Remedies (There’s a pharmacy in your backyard, and two of its most important components are dandelion and stinging nettle. These lowly wonders can aid in the cure of over two dozen ailments); Energy Tips (Nationwide, water bill increases have far outpaced the rate of inflation and show no signs of slowing. Here are 15 ways to save on this major home expense); Shuswap Diary (When Deanna Kawatski returned from the wilderness to her childhood home on the lakeside, she could barely recognize it. That’s progress for you); Seed Swap (Barter your way to a better summer garden); Last Laugh (William Chapin has been out to stud for quite a while…five card that is)

Issue:  April – May 1995

Condition:  Very Good