Sports Illustrated 1976 August 16


Sports Illustrated 1976 August 16

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Contents:  Begging For A Miracle (Although far behind the leaders, second-place baseball teams still have a prayer); He Takes His Very Dry (After slipping in Montreal’s rain, Dwight Stones brcame the toast of the town with a world record); What Price Glory? (George Allen’s big bucks got him super players, but will the payoff mean a playoff?); Shake ‘Em Out Of The Trees (Samoa is loaded with ripe football prospects and college coaches are harvesting in earnest); Going Public On The Gaspe (Fishing rights on Quebec’s famed salmon rivers pass clumsily to government control); Still A Grand Old Game (In the first of a series, the author of “The Boys Of Summer” finds that baseball retains its charm) The Departments – Scorecard; Baseball; Animals; Pro Basketball; For The Record; 19th Hole

Cover: “The Redskins Shop For A Super Bowl. High-Priced Newcomer Calvin Hill”

Condition:  Very Good