Smithsonian Magazine 1991 June


Smithsonian Magazine 1991 June

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Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and beyond, Picture credits, Phenomena, comments and notes, Rain Forest Patrol: countdown in Ecuador (Scientists have a month to assess biological diversity along 250 miles and recommend conservation priorities.), Mysterious Perfume – only the nose knows (Assigned to lease the dieties, cover up bad smells or foster romance, fragrance magically comes through.), When the bugs go marching out (At MIT the Mobile Robot Project breeds insectlike automata to do useful work on Earth – and on the Moon.), The battle of Britain called ‘Bar Wars’ (Barristers v. Solicitors et al, is the historic case at the Inns of Court, as England’s legal system goes on trial.), The Newark Museum, flower of the Garden State (Devoted to its public, the spry perennial has always had heart. A renovation now shows it has great art too.), Surviving Siberia with style (Defying the czar, aristocratic Russian wives followed their condemned men into exile – and saved their lives.(, If wishes were horses… (…the author would not choose to ride, as he soon discovers when his wife receives Eukie as a present.), Mabel Dodge Luhan and the ‘Lyrical Left’ (Her home was a focus of bohemia – radical politics, sexual revolution, art; Mabel lived for new ideas.)

Issue:  June 1991

Condition:  Very Good