Smithsonian Magazine 1990 December


Smithsonian Magazine 1990 December

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Contents:  Smithsonian horizons, Letters to the Editor, Picture credits, Around the Mall and beyond, Phenomena, comment and notes, Global Warming and a Scientific Free-for-all (Predictions of nature’s behavior are based on known and inknowns – thus the international policy debaste.), Pachyderm with a Paintbrush (At the Phoenix Zoo, Ruby the elephant was getting surly. All she needed were some friends – and a hobby.), All Hail the Manual Typewriter (From office workhorse to outmoded contraption, it has served us well; now it’s enjoying a new life abroad.), Childe Hassam in the Isles of Shoals (The National Museum of American Art goes Down East with the Impressionist’s seascapes and gardens.), A Little Something for the President (Of all the gifts that our Chief Executive receives, the handmade labors of love are the most significant.(, ‘I Think You Should Take Out the Indian Stuff’ (Tony Hillerman ignored his agent’s advice; three best-sellers later, Navajos and critics are glad he did.), Vienna’s Kindly old ‘Aunt Dorothy’ (t age 283, a combination hockshop and auction house still offers unique services to borrowers and buyers.), A Century of Shedding Light on the Stars (Since 1890 the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory has been a beacon to all who would know the cosmos.)

Issue:  December 1990

Condition:  Very Good