Smithsonian Magazine 1988 March


Smithsonian Magazine 1988 March

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Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, Comment and Notes, An Artist’s Magnificent Obsessions (Sin and punishment dominate the eerie works of Hieronymus Bosch, who is attracting new attention.), In the Sea, Slow Death by Plastic (Marine life pays a ghastly price as synthetic waste is wantonly dumped into the world’s waters.), Speaking of Snow Jobs… (Two vicious blizzards lashed America in 1888, causing great sorrow – but a little joy too.), Getting to Know Conway Twitty et al. (Around Nashville, country-music fans flock to the down-home “shrines” of their favorite stars.), “The Rest is Up to the Wolf” (With great expectations, biologists release captive-bred red wolves into a California refuge.), The Butler Did It! (And as a graduate of Ivor Spencer’s elite school for butlers, surely did it with finesse.), A Library with a Difference; the Newberry (White shelves groan with scholarly books, the reading room brims with bookish non-scholars.), He ‘Paints’ with Electronic Light (Using space-age computer programs, David Em turns planetary features into Impressionist art.), A Messenger from the Bog (After 20 centuries, Lindow Man – battered, broken, anemic – may reveal clues to the Druids.)

Issue:  March 1988

Condition:  Very Good