Smithsonian Magazine 1987 October


Smithsonian Magazine 1987 October

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Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, Comment and Notes, The Girl Scouts Have Come a Long Way (As they mark their 75th year, Computer Fun has repaced the Parlourmaid badge, but traditions endure.), Catching Up with Charles Demuth (A pioneer Modernist, popular with his fellow Jazz Age artists, is celebrated anew at Manhattan’s Whitney.), They Map the Faustian Flame (To elimate the noxious by-product of fuels old and new, scientists probe the mysteries of combination.), Dale Carnegie’s Rocket Riders (For millions, his winning, friendly, influential ways blazed – and still blaze – a path to personal success.), When Along Came a Spider… (Beside which, if it represented the gunus Argiope, the author no doubt sat down, to observe and admire.), “I Keep my Hand Up until I Get It” (Thus global auctiongoer Jack Naylor ammasses a stunning collection of cameras – he’s been doing it for 40 years.), Once Upon a Time There Were No Lawyers (You had to plead your own case as late as the second century B.C.; then the advocati showed up in Rome.), TV Comercials: Faster and Faster (A polished cherry is the chosen weapon as advert5ising agency and client wage an accelerating antacid war.), France’s New, Hands-On Museum (The giant, high-tech City of Science and Industry at La Villette is attracting bigger crowds than the Louvre.), Henry Christophe, Legendary King of Hati (He ruled over the first nation founded and held by black slaves in revolt against colonial masters.), Will Everest be Kayoed by K2? (The title of world’s highest peak may pass from champ to challenger, with satellite technology as referee.), Flying Where Lindy Flew (Piloting his own lightplane, the author retraces Charles Lindbergh’s triumphant 48-state tour of 1927.)

Issue:  October 1987

Condition:  Very Good