Smithsonian Magazine 1987 September


Smithsonian Magazine 1987 September

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Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Picture Credits, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, Comment and Notes, At the Smithsonian, Fresh Troves (Where once stood sheds, labs and grazing animals, the African Art Museum and the Sackler Gallery debut), Relocating Rhinos in Nepal (Cloak-and-dart-guns midnight rides climax some high-tech, low-profile restoration ecology), James Madison, The Elusive Patriot (The Father of the Constitution was once called “the greatest man in the world”, yet he’s a stranger), Have You Hugged a Manatee Today? (Let’s hope not, the affection we’ve developed for our aquatic cousins may be harmful to their health), Little Caltech’s Big Reputation (Its ratio to Nobel laureates to faculty and alumni boggles the mind – as do its research triumphs), ‘A Hell Of A Life For A Family Man’ (Though work on a Great Lakes ore boat isn’t easy or steady these days, sailors still have their hopes), Fred Harvey: The Righteous Restaurateur (He took civilization, haute cuisine and his famous Girls out where men were men and food was victuals), Everybody Needs Smokestacks (Like it or not, our way of life will depend on these megachimneys till we harness cleaner sources of energy), When The Real Bard of Avon Stands Up…(Watch for a royal ruckus twixt Stratfordians (“He was Shakespeare!”) and Oxfordians (“Earl of Oxfords)), Book Reviews, Additional Reading, September events at the Smithsonian, Smithsonian Tours and Seminars

Issue:  September 1987

Condition:  Very Good