Smithsonian Magazine 1983 June


Smithsonian Magazine 1983 June

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Contents:  The Mosquitos are coming – and that means trouble (They are more lethal, in fact, than all of history’s rats and lice combined, and nobody has beaten them yet.), Ned Kelly, Outlaw Hero of the Outback (His devil-may-care attitude and gift of gab live on in the hearts – and arts – of today’s Australians.), It’s Quite Droll to Live in a Hole (In France’s Loire Valley, that is – where affluent folk are upgrading the image of cave dwellers.), Thirteen Centuries of Oslamic Art and Science (The righ cultural heritage of Muhammad’s people may be experienced in a dazzling exhibition.), How The Universe Will End (Will it fall in upon itself in a Big Crunch, or fly away into the cold. Second of two parts.), Mermaids Should be Admired From a Distance (Seductive they no doubt are, but something is fishy about their well-advertised charms.), A Theatrical Revival of a Different Art (In many American cities it is the houses, not the shows, that are being brought back to life.), The Best Little Newspaper in Valparaiso (A young American took over Chile’s floundering South Pacific Mail and made it pay – in memory.)

Issue:  June 1983

Condition:  Very Good