Smithsonian Magazine 1983 May


Smithsonian Magazine 1983 May

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Contents:  How the Universe Bagan (Tracing backward to the Big Bang, physicists have achieved a new understanding of the laws of nature., The Gentle Landscapes of John Constable (This artist revealed the beauties of the English countryside with genius that has never been matched.), Chantilly’s Museum of Horses (In France, a gigantic stable has been turned into an equine monument. Old Dobbin would be proud.), First Aid for Sick Streams (Entrepreneur Rich McIntyre brings purity and trout back to waters that were once defiled.), Rise and Fall of the Indian Stream Republic (In the 1830s a small piece of New Hampshire became an independent nation – for just a little while.), The Many Mansions of Winterthur (Scores of rooms full of period furnishing are displayed at a museum made from a du Pont estate.), Rodent Gentry of the Jackson Laboratory (To advance medical research, scientists are studying mice named Streaker, Lurcher and Hotfoot.), Riddle of the Eagle’s Right (A new film tells the story of explorers who tried to reach the North Pole by balloon – and perished.)

Issue:  May 1983

Condition:  Very Good