Smithsonian Magazine 1983 March


Smithsonian Magazine 1983 March

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Contents:  The View From The Castle, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, Comments and Notes, Points of Origins, Picture Credits, Ground Water: Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Most people ignore this essential resource, but necessity is forcing us to focus attention on it), Russia is Repairing and Repainting its Past (Preservationists there have to fight pollution, red tape and neglect, but they persevere), Joseph Banks; Scientific and Artistic Treasure (738 botanical drawings resulting from Captain Cook’s first voyage are at last being published), Wherever it Snows Enough, Mushing is Mushrooming (Sled dog racing would make Jack London feel at home these days from New Hampshire on up to Alaska), The History of Making it Easier to Read Fine Print (Nobody knows who invented spectacles, but he was one of the great benefactors of mankind), The 80-Year Legacy of the Juleys, Father and Son (A Smithsonian museum is fighting to save an archive of American art before the film deteriorates), Living Canvases of Marine Animals (A painter might envy the effects these creatures product for concealment and mating purposes), The Great Plains were Often a Cure for Great Pains (The air was clean, food was nutritious, booze was hard to get – so pioneers found health in the West), Packaging With a Purpose (A scanning electron microscope reveals some weird modifications that are only skin deep), Mystery Man of Sierra Madre (Over the decades reams have been written about a literary figure whose identity is still debated), Book Reviews, Additional Reading, March Events at the Smithsonian, Smithsonian Tours, The Slang Gap Revisited

Issue:  March 1983

Condition:  Very Good