Smithsonian Magazine 1978 June


Smithsonian Magazine 1978 June

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Contents:  The View From the Castle, Letters to the Editor, Picture Credits, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, Comment and Notes; A majestic display, the Beth Hatefutsoth museum in Tel Aviv, chronicles the scattering of the Jews to all parts of the world from A.D. 70 on – the Diaspora; National Gallery’s new building, a sculpture in itself, melds soaring spaces, vistas and intimate galleries; And the most spectacular of six opening shows is the loan of Dresden’s great art treasures; Peptides, chemicals manufactured by our brains, may affect how we feel, behave, react and remember; In Spain, conservationists and officials join forces to preserve Donana National Park and its wildlife; Living like Iron Age Celts – farming, shearing, butchering and weaving – suited 15 Britons just fine; Henry Ford and three friends set out to rough it – with chauffeurs, chefs and other servants; Community trusts furnish landless people with farms; Book Reviews; Additional Reading, Summer Events at the Smithsonian, Smithsonian Tours, How Lava from Vesuvius flowed to a Boston Museum

Issue:  June 1978

Condition:  Very Good