MAD Magazine 1998 April


MAD Magazine 1998 April

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Contents:  Letters and Tomatoes Department (Random samplings of reader mail.), Slime after Slime Deparment (“Alien Resuscitated” – A MAD movie satire.), Weary of Relativity Department (10 warning signs you family is beyond dysfunctional.), Joke and Dagger Department (Spy vs Spy), Angster’s Paradise Department (Monroe &…The School Play.), Our Full Color 16 page Spoof of Entertainment Weekly, Berg’s-Eye View Department(The Lighter Side of..), Earn Baby, Earn Department (Potential Off-Season jobs for Dick Vitale.), Serge-In General Department (A MAD look at Titanic.), The Fright Stuff Department (“Screech 2” (Another MAD movie satire.), Head and Buried Department (One sunny morning on Easter Island.), Grieving Las Vegas Department (MAD‘s celebrity cause-of-death betting odds.), Marginal Thinking Department (“Drawn out dramas” by Sergio Aragones…various places around the magazine.)

Issue:  April 1998

Condition:  Very Good