MAD Magazine 1991 September


MAD Magazine 1991 September

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Contents:  A Manic For All Seasons Department )Why We Get the Holiday Blahs.), A Pew To A Kill Department (“Father Jowly Miseries” – A MAD TV Series.), Berg’s-Eye View Department (The Lighter Side Of..), Camel Flage Department (How and Where Sneaky Smokers Can Hide Their Filthy Habit.), Ewe Slaughter Be In Pictures Department (“The Violence of the Hams” – A MAD Movie Satire.), Heads of Grate Department (“Other” Commisioners.), It’s The Real Zing Department (MAD’s Instant Movie Reviews.), Jargon In Place Department (Sports Phrases On and Off The Playing Field.), Joke And Dagger Department (Spy vs. Spy.), Letters And Tomatoes Department (Random Samplings of Reader Mail.), Maim That Tune Department (America’s Traditional Songs as They Sound to Five-Year-Olds.), Marginal Thinking Department (“Drawn Out Dramas” by Sergio Aragones.), Outdoor Wreck-Reation Depoartment (The MAD Summer Camp Guide.), Sleazing The Opportunity Department (Any Doofus Can…But It Takes a Genius To…), Tales From The Duck Side Department (The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable – Part I, The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable Part II, The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable – Part III.), Toon Age Mutants Department (Simpson Rip Offs.), Tribe And Tribulations Department (“Dunces With Wolves” – Another MAD Movie Satire.)

Issue:  September 1991

Condition:  Very Good