MAD Magazine 1989 Winter


MAD Magazine 1989 Winter

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Contents:  Deja Review Departments (Three MAD movie satires: “Trading Races”, “Raunchy Business”, “Flashdunce”), Sergio Aragones Department (A MAD look at Foto Booths.), Cartooning In Department (If the real world of today caught up with the Comics.), Joke and Dagger Department (Spy vs Spy), Berg’s-Eye View Department (The Lighter Side of..), Daily Bread Department (A Psalm for the Modern Television Preacher.), And Now! a 50-Page Journey Through the MAD Mind of Al Jaffee! Please Wipe Your Feet Before Entering: Put Your Funny Where Your Mouth is Department (MAD‘s Snappy Answers to stupid questions, More snappy answers to stupid questions.), Three Ridiculas MAD Fold-Ins, Inhale-Safe Department (Some MAD devices for safer smoking), Lame-Brain Games Department (MAD‘s Puzzle Page), Vex Education Department (The MAD Hate Book), The Brandwriting is on the Wall Department (Trademark graffiti.), Misfortune Kookie Department (Don’t you feel like a Schmuck?), They Drew What They Wanted Department (If kids designed their own Xmas toys), Hokey-Pocus Department (The Mad Book of Magic and other dirty tricks.), Where There’s Smoke, There’s Ire Department (The Mad non-smoker’s Hate Book.), Archilles Wheel Department (Some Mad Auto Safety features.), Licking the Problem Department (Postage stamp advertising.), A Worse Mousetrap Department (Planned obsolescence in Everyday Products), Wee Shall Overcome Department (“Web” star – A MAD TV satire), Sleazy Writer Department (MAD‘s All-Inclusive Do-It-Yourself National Enquirer cover.), Short-Sighted Department (The passing Parade as seen from behind a very tall crowd.), That’s Chauz Biz! Department (It’s a MAD MAD World), Fission Tips Department (MAD‘s early warning signs or “you’ll know sumptin’s up when…”), Funny Saving Opportunity Department (“An absolutely fabulous offer”), Marginal Thinking Department (“Drawn out dramas” by Sergio Aragones)

Issue:  Winter 1989

Condition:  Very Good