Oui Magazine 1981 March


Oui Magazine 1981 March

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Contents:  Christiane (When a gorgeous German girl decides to get away from it all, she doesn’t waste any time. Before you can say “Teutons of fun,” she’s packed her bags and made for the warm skies and azure waters of the Carribbean), On The Elusive Trail Of That Captivating Fellow, The Sensitive Guy (Even Clint Eastwood and Sly Stallone know how to dish out tender loving care when the occassion calls for it. And so does author Jesse Kornbluth, but he had to learn how the hard way), A Conversation With Keith Richards (The Rolling Stones flamboyant, stoned-out guitarist/buccaneer talks about the allure of cold steel and other matters of consequence – namely, sex and drugs and rock ‘n roll), Foreign Film: Helene (Turning our worldly roving eye to other corners of the globe, Oui introduces a new pictorial feature culled from decidely nondomestic origins. And after one glimpse of Helene, we’re ready to get our passports renewed) Features – Cultural Ties (You can learn a lot about heads of state by what they hang around their necks), The New Lords Of Baseball (Four top team owners play for more than their pennants), Kim Griffin (An urban beauty succumbs to temptation and bites the Big Apple), How To Deal With A Stereo Salesman (Getting the right pitch from that hi-fi guy), The Temptations Of Tangier (Uncovering the mysteries of Morocco’s strange port), Small Talk: Persis Khambatta (Star Trek‘s bald beauty lets down her hair), First International Sperm Bank (Wacky cartoons courtesy of our French sister, Lui), 6 Top Camermen Aim At 1 Devastating Target (A sextet of lensmen and cover girl Anne) Departments – Mail (Got dem White House blues), We (Who we are, what we do), Doctor Oui (Bad breath in the bedroom), Openers (George Bush’s mail order catalogue), Speak Easy (All about foreplay), Speak Easy Questionnaire (Vacation sex), Who (One Roach you won’t want to get rid of), What (Timely facts about watches), Where (Aspen’s hottest watering hole)

Issue:  March 1981

Condition:  Very Good