Oui Magazine 1978 February


Oui Magazine 1978 February

1 in stock


Contents:  Mail (Readers betray biases), Openers (How to handle a jug), Sex Tapes (So you like your partner chubby or svelte), Revue (Mano is fired!), Penny (She’s waiting to buy your thoughts), A Three-Day Drunk With Joe Wambaugh (Our author joins up with America’s most literary cop for a night out with the choirboys), Dirty-Talk Chic (Gutter mouths were once outre, but now some foul language is showing up in the best of places), The Corpse With No Name (A man is murdered in Boston and, despite an international search employing the most sophisticated methods known, no one knows who he is), A Coward’s Guide To X-Rated Motels (“Oh, we’ll have some hot-pillow hospitality, but hold the whips and chains”), Carrie (She has these dreams that keep her up at night), Conversation With Susan Harris (The creator of Soap defends her honor, blasts her critics and explains why sexuality is funny), Sometimes A Great Potion (The hangover – that most painful os holiday afflictions – is tracked down and cured), Dirt-Cheap Supercars (Your portfolio should include some heavy mothers. What other stock goes from 0-60 in four seconds?), Oui‘s Holidays (A plea for much0needed celebrations: like Downer’s Day, Nonveterans Say and Forget-It Day), Hose Play (Girl and photographer fool around in a spa, get all hot and bothered and, mercifully, are hosed down), Judgement Day For A Crusader (The Reverend Billy, flanked by his lawyer Richard Nixon, tries to storm the pearly gates), Isabelle (She resins up her bow), The Great Woofing Contest (A hard-hat and a Puerto Rican get down to the fine art of girl-baiting)

Issue:  February 1978

Condition:  Very Good