Oui Magazine 1977 December


Oui Magazine 1977 December

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Contents:  Mail (Squeeze one for Anita!), Openers (The greatest rock rumors of all time), Datebook Calendar (All your favorite days, arranged chronologically), Sex Tapes (Schtupping on the sly – boon or bane?), Revue (Mano get waterlogged), Angela (She deplores the commercialization of Christmas), Pigs With Wings (From the sex-and-politics novel that made all italy blush), Vodka (No, Virginia, it’s not made from potatoes), The Unspeakably Vicious Toys-And-Games Industry (by Jim Esposito), The Return Of The Latin Lover (Greasers through history), My Life In Barter (An alternative to filthy lucre), Kim (She believes in the right to life. And in the right to night life, too), Conversation With Robert K. Brown (Tough talk from America’s leading soldier of fortune. Do we hear a bid for Idi Amin?), How To Look Spruce (Francesco Scabulio visits the experts who have a corner on spiffiness), Flight Attendants Fight Back (by Burr Snider), The Ultra-Ultra Girls Of Russ Meyer (Four new stars redefine the word big), Extremist Glamor (The fashion-art vortex), Nadja (Good God, girl, put those clothes back on!)

Issue:  December 1977

Condition:  Very Good