Oui Magazine 1976 October


Oui Magazine 1976 October

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Contents:  Mail (Abbie Hoffman mouths off), Openers (Yellow fever dribbles over New York), Sex Tapes (Strange places, stranger acts!), Revue (Mano goes to the zoo), Sharleena (We take a peek into her bathtub and there, underneath the faucet, is she), Bourgeois Is Beautiful (Where all the flower children have gone), Five Bands Weirder Than You Are (But can you dance to them?), Confessions Of An Artificial Inseminator (How one man turned a handicraft into big bucks), The 24-Hour Suit (Helpful hints on how to live in your suit without looking like Khruschev), Elevators (Insights into our between floors daydreams), Kenneth Anger (Babylon’s Boswell throws light in the dark corners), Jan Just Needs A Little Time To Herself (You will be convinced), Conversation With Willie Sutton (The gentlest bank robber discusses prisons and how it feels to make an honest living), Ball: Meet Wall (Squash, racquetball, handball, paddleball revealed), America Under Communism (Chairman Nik-Sun’s long march pays off), Swine Virus (Little-known facts about our latest-growing infection), The Seduction Of Fifi (Victorian naughtiness ripens in a photo studio. Our ancestral threesomes can barely sit still for the flash to wear off), The Brownsville Bird (A report into the sightings of a huge (prehistoric?) creature in Texas. The scientists are sifting through the birdshit), Dolly Bird (Mischief and merriment accompany our class lass to Wales), Who (Morgan Fairchild can rip your ass off. Elizabeth Ashley has a lot of balls)

Issue:  October 1976

Condition:  Very Good