Mercury Ad August 1955


Mercury Ad from August 15, 1955 Life magazine.

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Mercury Ad August 1955Mercurys – Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the variety of things you will find appealing about the new Mercury. The ad has a large picture of a Yellow Mercury Montclair parked on a cement pad while a lady stands talking to a man next to the car. The ad headline, referring to the six smaller pictures in the bottom portion of the ad, says that “In every picture you’ll find a reason why Mercury offers you more for your money”. These pictures have captions such as “New Super-Torque Power”, the “Best Record for Stamina”, having “More Fine Car Features”, a “New Exclusive Power Lubrication”, having “Easier Handling” and that you “Save When You Buy – When You Trade”. The captions for each picture describe in more detail what is meant by the headline and what is shown in the pictures.

Source:  August 15, 1955 Life magazine.