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Popular Mechanics Magazine 1975 February


Popular Mechanics Magazine 1975 February


Contents:  Watch For These Pacesetters In ’75 (They offer more speed, style, safety and comfort. Twelve-page boat section begins on page 88); You Can “Run Whatcha brung” (At the big-time racetracks when homegrown Gremlins, Vegas and Pintos vie with imported “Economy” sedans); First Plug-In Solar Furnace For Your Home (Simple A-Frame shed offers practical auxiliary sunpower for use with almost any home); You, Too, Can Be A World Record Fisherman (All you need is patience, luch, skill and these tips from our experts); Divide And Conquer With A Freestanding Wall (Easy to build without special tools. It can double the use of your youngsters bedroom); Keep Your Choke Working – Automatically (Saturday Mechanic shows you how to care for your choke and enjoy all of its advantages); Present Arms! (Build this truly distinctive gun cabinet and show off six of your favorite firearms to best advantage) Automobiles, Driving – Impacts And Motorsports; Detroit Listening Post; You Can “Run” Whatcha Brung; Grandpa Tours The States On A Harley; Driving AMC’s Brand-New Pacer; Saturday Mechanic: How To Keep Your Choke Working – Automatically Home And Yard – Bath With Vanity Flair; Tempered Glass Inserts For Storm Doors; How To Stay Warmer By Using Less Heat; Divide And Conquer With Freestanding Wall; First Home Plug-In Solar Furnace; Storm Window Installs On The Inside Shop And Crafts – Hints From Readers; Pint-Sized Chain Saw; Easier-Than-Ever Plaster Casting; How To Apply Plastic Laminate; How To Sharpen And Hone Chisels; Inlaid Bowls Displays Craftsmanship; Present Arms With A Fine Gun Cabinet; Sabre-Saw Miterbox; Flameless Paint Peeler; Hi-Lo Bandsaw Drive Photography – $300 Macro-Zoom Lens, Slick And Sharp; Photo Hints; Pocket Instamatic Slide Fans Get The World’s Zippiest Projector – And More; Electronic XK: Minolta’s ‘Convertible’; Try Grid-Square Exposure Tests Electronics, Radio, TV – Zipping Through A Supermarket Counter Boating, Outdoors – You Can Be A World Record Fisherman; Watch For These Pacesetters In ’75; Speedy Skiffs For Finding Fish; 70 MPH In A Jet – WOW; Power From New Packages; Gadgets To Help You Go Science, Inventions – First Home Plug-In Solar Furnace; Now: TV Microscope For Surgery Aviation – Great Planes That Make Great Projects Every Month – Letters; All Outdoors; The Bicycle Shop; Homeowners’ Clinic; Science Worldwide; Car Clinic; Appliance Clinic; It’s New Now

Issue:  February 1975

Condition:  Very Good