Popular Mechanics Magazine 1972 November


Popular Mechanics Magazine 1972 November

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Contents:  Automobiles, Driving – Drivin’ With Dan; U.S. Automakers Inch Toward The Metric System; Replace Drum Brakes With Disc; Saturday Mechanic: The Simple Way To Adjust VW Valves; Pint-Size Formula Racing Science, Inventions – Piggyback Lifeboat Can Do Slow Rolls; Superdogs Are Made – Not Born; World’s Mightiest Iron Mine; Mechanical “Hand” To Probe Ocean Depths; Furnace That “Burns” Water; The Tunnel They Said Couldn’t Be Built; Pushbutton Traffic Control; Navy’s Deep-Diving Sea Lions Home And Yard – Let The Snowthrower Do The Work; Lawn Santa That Greets Passerby; Facelift The Fireplace And You Remodel The Room; Homebuilt Masher Puts The Squeeze On Trash; Better Ways To Do It Space, Aviation, Military – Trick-Wing Glider Gets A Lift When It Needs It; Homebuilt Aircraft: BD-5, Bullet-Nosed Beauty Shop And Crafts – Now Surform Makes Anyone A Sculptor; Fancy, Colorful Candles; Christmas Gifts From Your Workshop; Wild On A Hill; Old 5300 Rolls Again; Hints From Readers; Make Your Own Bar Clamps; A Sabre-Saw ‘Table Saw’; Radial-Saw Hold-Down Photography – Photo Hints; New Leica M5; Liven Up Your Slide Shows With Sound Electronics, Radio, TV – TV’s Are Up To New Tricks; Those Great-Sounding New Cassettes Boating, Outdoors – Especially For Fishermen; More Go For The Snowmos Every Month – Letters; Homeowners Clinic; All Outdoors; Detroit Listening Post; Science Worldwide; Automobile Clinic; The Bicycle Shop; Appliance Clinic; New Inventions; It’s New NOW: The Latest Products And Developments (A 12-page roundup)

Issue:  November 1972

Condition:  Very Good